29 de noviembre de 2013

human urban creativity...

Confronting one of the previous post (the competition) 
this TED talk by Iwan Baan.... So the question may be...
do we really need architects?

«Any architect with complex ambitions must be acutely aware of the fragility of his/her initiatives»
Rem Koolhaas, 1944

26 de noviembre de 2013

Ta đi Ôtô... the different lives of things

This mobile structure in Hanoi, Vietnam, by Swiss architects Bureau A has a bicycle fitted underneath so it can be cycled from place to place. Geneva studio Bureau A designed the project as a multipurpose structure, to be used for anything from a vertical street food restaurant to an exhibition space. The mobile structure can cycled anywhere is it needed, similar to this mobile town square that features a miniature clock tower on the back of a bicycle. The structure belongs to Tadioto, a local bar and cultural centre who use it for art and other social events. The bicycle was originally owned by the steel worker who built the structure, who adapted to fit in the bottom section it can be moved around easily.

«Everything is dense in Hanoi, including the milk in your coffee. Everything is used. In unexpected ways “things” live different lives, they reincarnate continuously into new functions, passing from one life to another without a moment of respite. In Hanoi, this magic of creativity ends up in everyday life as opposed to art museums. The blue, a vertical Bia Hoi for Tadioto accompanies this creative movement. Conceived as a support for small pieces of lives, as an ephemeral house or as a vertical street food restaurant, it might deviate from its original yet wide function and become something else, an unexpected urban animal. A mini-concert hall? A poetry podium ? It probably just needs to circulate, to stroll around the busy streets of Hanoi and then it’ll decide by itself which disguise to adopt...» Bureau A

Picture by Boris Zuliani

21 de noviembre de 2013


*(below in English)
Inicio el diario-visual microflâneuries con la intención de compartir mi micro-mirada sobre la ciudad contemporánea y crear una plataforma desde la que lanzar el proyecto de construir una red de flâneurs -flâneurs network project- en la que compartir diferentes miradas sobre las ciudades de y desde todos los rincones del mundo. Un mapa que construya una visión diversa y heterogénea de lo urbano...

Para colaborar en la construcción de esta cartografía virtual urbana sólo hay que enviar una imagen -tu particular flâneurie- con el lugar y fecha en que fue tomada y tu nombre (opcional) a microflaneuries@gmail.com y 'subirá' a formar parte del mapa de flâneurs network project...

Estas son algunas de mis micro-miradas sobre diferentes ciudades que he ido coleccionando a lo largo de los años y que periódicamente iré publicando en microflâneuries.com donde puedes seguir mi mirada... 

flâneurs network project cuenta, a los pocos días de sus inicios, con las siguiente 'colección' de flâneuries (ver mapa o photoblog)... Únete a la red de flâneurs y envía tu colaboración, tu mirada personal y única de la ciudad en la que vives o por la que hayas 'vagabundeado' en cualquier parte del mundo... 

Mapa de Flâneuries (a 21 de Noviembre de 2013):

construyendo ciudad virtual... fugitiva e infinita

I start the microflâneuries visual diary with the intention of sharing my micro-gaze on the contemporary city and at the same time create the platform flâneurs network project from where collect different gazes on the cities of and from the wholeworld. A map that generates a diverse and heterogeneous vision of the urban...

To collaborate in this virtual urban mapping you just have to send an image (your particular flâneurie) to microflaneuries@gmail.com  including the place and date it was taken and your name (optional) and it'll be 'uploaded' as part of the flâneurs network project map...

To see what micro-flâneuries is about these are some of my micro-gazes on different cities I've been collecting over the years and I'll be publishing periodically in microflâneuries.com where you can follow my gaze...

flâneurs network project has already collected some flâneuries after few days of being launched (see map below or photoblog)... Join flâneurs network and send your contribution, your personal and unique gaze on the city you live in or where you have 'wandered' around the world...

Mapa de Flâneuries (a 21 de Noviembre de 2013):

building a virtual city... fugitive and infinite

19 de noviembre de 2013

indígenas urbanos...

una mirada a cómo es ser indígena en el contexto de la globalización...

Cambio Cultural y Urbanización en la Amazonia

Directed and Produced by Alba Mora Roca
Duration: 8 min.
Country and Year: Colombia, 2009
Language: Spanish with English subtitles.
Cinematography: Alba Mora Roca
Sound: Carlos Davalos Barbabosa
Editing: Alba Mora Roca
Etnographic Adviser: Enric Cassú Camps
HD Native. Shot with the Sony PMW-EX1.

17 de noviembre de 2013


by James Wyper

"I see a painting as the record of a performance, and I like to share the performance with others. Painting for an audience encourages risk-taking which doesn't necessarily occur when I'm alone in a studio." James Wyper

14 de noviembre de 2013

Soliloquios y Soledades...

por Miguel Palomino quien acompaña estas series de 'micro-narrativas' fotográficas con las simples acepciones que de ambas palabras da la RAE... Micro-narraciones con una enorme carga emocional (de emoción1. f. Alteración del ánimo intensa y pasajera, agradable o penosa, que va acompañada de cierta conmoción somática)

(Del lat. soliloquĭum).
1. m. Reflexión en voz alta y a solas.

(Del lat. solĭtas, -ātis).
1. f. Carencia voluntaria o involuntaria de compañía.
3. f. Pesar y melancolía que se sienten por la ausencia, muerte o pérdida de alguien o de algo.

'Soledades' (junto con la serie 'Espejo') forma parte de la exposición temporal sobre la valla de una obra organizada recientemente en Madrid por La Galería de Magdalena dentro del proyecto #RegalosUrbanos 

* mi agradecimiento a Miguel por permitirme usar sus fotos en mi blog!
** la última foto es de Escrito en la Pared y corresponde a  la exposición temporal en La Galería de Magdalena.

12 de noviembre de 2013


a project launched in 2011 by JR that aims to turn the world inside out : "The People's Art Project"
“Can art change the world? Maybe … we should change the question: Can art change people's lives? Do you know what it takes to do [a global art project]? People, energy, glue.” JR

“The city’s the best gallery I could imagine. I would never have to make a book and then present it to a gallery and let them decide if my work was nice enough to show it to people. I would control it directly with the public in the streets.” JR

“I don’t use any brand or corporate sponsors. So I have no responsibility to anyone but myself and the subjects.”JR

10 de noviembre de 2013

I’m the tympanum...

«(...) I must feel something, yes I feel something, they say I feel something, I don't know what it is, I don't know what I feel, tell me what I feel and I'll tell you who I am, they'll tell me who I am, I won't understand, but the thing will be said, they'll have said who I am, (...) and I'll have said it inside me, then in the same breath outside me, perhaps that's what I feel, an outside and an inside and me in the middle. Perhaps that’s what I am: the thing that divides the world in two on the one side the outside, on the other the inside. That can be as thin as foil. I’m neither one side nor the other, I’m in the middle. I’m the partition. I’ve two surfaces and no thickness, perhaps that’s what I feel, myself vibrating, I’m the tympanum, on the one hand the mind, on the other the world, I don’t belong to either.»

Samuel Beckett  The Unnamable.1953 (1958)

7 de noviembre de 2013

one day baby we'll be old...

Asaf Avidan...  Fully recommended 'get inside the box' on his web (live acoustic recordings)...

No more tears, my heart is dry
I don't laugh and I don't cry
I don't think about you all the time
But when I do, I wonder why

You had to go out of my door
And leave just like you did before
I know I said that I was sure
But rich man can't imagine poor

One day baby, we'll be old, oh baby, we'll be old
And think about the stories that we could have told

So, one day baby, we'll be old
Oh baby, we'll be old
And think of all the stories
That we could have told

Little me and little you
Kept doing all the things they do
They never really think it through
Like I can never think you're true

Here I go again
The blame, the guilt, the pain, the hurt, the shame
The founding fathers of our plane
That's stuck in heavy clouds of rain

One day baby, we'll be old, oh baby, we'll be old
And think about the stories that we could have told

One day baby, we'll be old, oh baby, we'll be old
And think of all the stories
That we could have told

I'll say it, one day baby, we'll be old
Oh baby, we'll be old
And think of all the stories
That we could have told

I'll say it, one day baby, we'll be old
Oh baby, we'll be old, oh baby, we'll be old
Sure baby, we'll be old, oh baby, we'll be old
Sure baby, we'll be old, oh baby, we'll be old

One day baby, we'll be old, oh baby, we'll be old
Think about the stories that we could have told

Asaf Avidan and The Mojos

One day (Reckoning song)
* He sang this other startling version: San Remo 2013

triangular design manifesto...

5 de noviembre de 2013


"Studio Swine has made a collection of aluminium furniture from street materials of São Paulo. Using a mobile foundry to smelt aluminum cans using waste vegetable oil collected from local cafes as a fuel. Waste collectors known as Catadores mine the streets for materials to produce a furniture series with vernacular aesthetic, providing a portrait of the streets."

"The Can Stools are made simply with sand casting technique using readily available construction sand from local building sites, and by casting an assemblage of objects found on the streets. The furnace and the tools are made with salvaged materials."

Can City creates a system where Catadores (waste collectors) can use this free metal and free fuel to produce an endless range of individually crafted aluminum items.

'Can City' was made for Coletivo Amor de Madre Gallery, São Paulo.